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Kevin Sloan and ”magical realism”

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Kevin Sloan is a Denver based painter that is known for his distinctive style, often described as “magical realism”. As a big fan of surrealism, I can’t help to see the similarities with Rene’ Magritte’s art but of course with a more realistic touch. His work is a part of many respected museums, to mention some examples: Chase Manhattan Bank, General Electric and Hallmark Corporation (Clark gallery).


Sloan was born in Des Maines, Iowa and his interest in art was born through classes at the Des Moines Art center according to the site askart. Askart further explain how he earned his Bachelor of Fine Arts in painting from Tyler School of Art at Temple university. He then earned his Master of Fine Arts in painting from the university of Arizona.

Sloans Art

The love for art and travelling from Sloan can be seen from how he lived his life. He has lived in various placed ranging from Key West to San Francisco. His change in scenery and environment can be seen in his paintings that often feature animals, landscapes, and everyday object. With these elements he creates art that is both familiar and surreal. I love his style, it creates interesting paintings that easily spark conversation. You can dive deep into his paintings, especially when learning more about his personal life since man of his paintings also have personal meanings according to Gardner Colby Gallery. It seems like Sloan has a goal to create art that lets the viewer engage as he said,

  “My work tends to be full of symbolism and metaphor and as such, creates infinite possibilities for the viewer to engage with it and find their own meanings and interpretation. I strongly encourage this kind of engagement with the work – there is no ”right” answer and if viewers allow themselves this opportunity to have a conversation with the work then it can become a more personal and interesting experience.”

In his biography I found on Gardner Colby gallery website.

Kevin Sloan Today

Sloan is still painting to this day, based in his Denver studio he keeps exploring the world of allegorical realism and probably will for as long as he can. He takes part in exhibitions and let’s his online following take part in his work.

Kevin Sloan Art for sale.


Clark Gallery

Gardner Colby Gallery
